I took on the quest of understanding men about 2 years ago, through PAX Programs. The subject mater blew my mind and opened my heart. I "knew" men and women were different, however, I did not really "know" or understand our differences; nor did I know what makes our differences special and worth celebration. I highly recommend PAX programs to everyone I meet, men and woman alike. Especially single people. Women easily mistake his silence for not caring and so many other things that we would never do to one of our friends.
Our differences not only lie in men and women, they also have so much to do with our hormonal make-up - masculine and feminine energy. Many, many, many dating and relationship coaches touch on these subjects. Why? because they are imperative for our well-being and reaching our greatest desire to create partnership with that person we choose to love. For the purpose of this blog, I am only touching on PAX Programs. I will recommend other courses and organizations that I hold in high regard in following blogs. For now, its PAX Programs, founded by Alison Armstrong. I love this woman. She is a great example of what a matriarch looks like. Her essence is undeniable, she is feminine, she is generous, she clearly adores men (all men in her life) I have learned so much about honoring men from her and her associates. I have learned to celebrate men. Despite a few less than memorable experiences in life that caused me to look at men sideways, I have been able to see to the heart of men through this work. (*please note there is a disclaimer that this relates to Healthy men). I have hope that I too can create a deep, loving, meaningful partnership with a man where my needs are met and he feels and knows he is my champion. I'm not sure I had that before, even as a christian single woman. I did not have the understanding. I won't journey down that path for now. Although, one of my favorite proverbs has to do with "seeking understanding". I have found in my life that seeking understanding (in all matters) makes a huge difference.
Not only do I see to understand men (Ladies, those things that frustrate us to no end! - you feel me), I also seek to understand women, which is seeking to understand myself. What makes me do what I do? Why are "feelings" a huge thing. The findings are astounding and beautiful. I have grown in my love for myself and embraced my femininity because of this work.
Fellas, if you think your girl is crazy or she doesn't get you.....send her here. I would also ask that you be willing to hear what she shares as she learns, and perhaps be open to learning some things too. It's all for our benefit, mutually, and our edification. Cheers to Understanding & Celebrating our Differences. Cheers to Partnership!
*** (Luke 16:18) Any man who divorces his wife and marries another woman commits adultery, and = the man = who marries = a woman = divorced from her husband = commits adultery."
ReplyDelete*** (Mark 10:11-12) So he said to them, "Whoever divorces his wife and marries another woman commits adultery against her.
(Mar 10:12) And if a woman = divorces her husband = and marries another man, = she commits adultery."
***(Hebrews 13:4) Let marriage be kept honorable in every way, and the marriage bed undefiled. For God will judge; those who commit sexual sins; especially those who commit adultery.
Remarriage -101 . Blog Adultery