Monday, March 25, 2013

There is Wisdom in Silence Ladies

(Thank you to for the photo)

It's a well known fact....girls, young ladies, older women.... LOVE to talk....
We talk so much we forget to order food at restaurants. It's good for us, we vibe higher when we're connecting. Girl time is essential.

Now when you're with a man (masculine energy, not the guy who is like your girlfriend).... its important to keep in mind a few things:

1) Men are single focused.......which means he does one task at a time.  Answering your question is a task. Instead of sending him a barrage of questions one after the other, ask one question and then WAIT.... give him some time to answer.  The deeper the question, the deeper he has to go.... and with the proper space he will go deep, provided he feels safe to.

2) Men like to be heard.....  it is true.... since I have learned to be quiet when men are talking, no interrupting, etc.... the feedback I get is.... wow Heather.... do you want to say anything, I feel like I've been talking forever.  Sometimes I don't want to talk, and they will continue.... it's awesome!  I learn so much about the men in my life....

3) Listen with a sincere interest, especially if he's sharing a story about something he's done.  Yes.... ooh and awe..... this is an important man in your life (your Dad, your boyfriend, your brother, your son, your HUSBAND).....

If you haven't practiced any of these suggestions before, give it a shot and then let me know how it goes, what you experience etc.

As always, let me know what you think...  I love feedback.  :)

Much love & aloha ~ hp

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