Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Honor in Dating

Honor was an obscure thought for me, something I could not really wrap my head around. I had only heard it in association with "honor your mother and father".... and even with that I did not understand how to.  What is honor?  What is it to honor someone?

My thesaurus says it is to respect or esteem shown one as his due or claimed by one as a right; reverence; homage, etc....

I have learned what it is to honor another by learning how to honor myself.  The importance is two-fold, I learn how to let someone else know how to treat me and I learn how to honor someone else, because I honor myself.  Honoring myself includes understanding my physical, emotional, mental and spiritual needs.  I need rest, nourishment (food).  I need words of affirmation, acknowledgment of what i give or provide in a relationship.  I need (heather) time- hiking by myself, a new pair of heels once or twice a year, space to write, and girl time.  I honor this time for myself.  I honor my needs, and now am consciously aware of others needs as it relates to relationships.  My understanding has removed my attachment to how someone shows up.  Maybe he needs sleep, or time to focus. I can trust that this man  does what he does to be able to provide for what we do together.  Therefore, I honor his time, his need for sleep, to focus.....even if it means delayed gratification of play-time.  Honoring another puts me in a position to focus on giving and sitting in a place of gratitude for what is, versus looking at what's missing.  Honoring yourself and the person you are dating, allows the love energy to flow, and gives each person the opportunity to give from a place of TRUE CHOICE versus obligation.

1. Are you honoring yourself?
2. How can you honor the person you are dating? (in relationship with, hanging out with, etc.)
3. Consider what needs you can honor (with yourself) that you might not have considered.

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