Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Celebrate a Man today.

I can celebrate men every day, in fact I do....whether it is my brother, my business associate, a stranger I am admiring, a friend, or a man of interest.  Simple celebrations go a long way, they are like love deposits and men NEED love deposits.... those moments I recognize and ACKNOWLEDGE an act of provision, or generosity, or kindness or even better when that man champions a request.  I acknowledge every detail of it. I love watching a man's chest explode while he stands a little taller.  His whole energy and vibration increase.  It's beautiful to watch and experience.  So LADIES, when a man tells you you're beautiful, holds a door open for you, or steps up to bat and champions your request....go on and shower that man with acknowledgment, praise, affection.  Unknowingly, you participate in creating a synergy that overcomes negative forces.  Celebrate a man today.

08/28/2012 hpAlways supporting PAX Programs

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