Monday, December 31, 2012

New Year, New You

New Year, New You....that's the general consensus of how this is supposed to go down, right?  Resolutions, goals, etc.... this year will be different, and God willing it will be, yet please know that different comes by doing something different.  I'd like to venture into accepting all of YOU this year, which will absolutely support you in accepting others, including that significant other you are dating, hope to date, want to meet, or perhaps someone you become really great friends with.  Acceptance is a noble task, because it means I get to look at ALL of me...those qualities I adore and those I am not too proud to shout from the mountain tops....  Who readily jumps up and exclaims their mistakes, faults, shortcomings, addictions and the like?  Love, however, looks at all of me.... Love dives in when others turn their is that resilient quality, like a blanket, that covers over emotional outbursts, fears, "mistakes".... Love is also that thing that tells me like it is, whether its comfortable or a mirror, I can then see myself clearly.  Relationships may not be easy, yet the fruit they yield from all the investments (time, love, energy, forgiveness, communication, love, love, love) is soooo worth it.

Dating makes for a GREAT mirror..... this last year I've not only seen what works and doesn't work for me in a companion/partner/lover.... I have also been allowed to see what works and doesn't work in my approach to communicating and asking for what I need...  Here comes the acceptance.  It is what it is.  I cannot go back and change those instances. I needed them and they were all perfect.  I did what I could do in those moments....  I am valuable, lovable, whole and perfect as I am.  Who I am is enough.  Attempt to swallow that on an empty stomach. In fact, I encourage you to look yourself in the mirror and recite that aloud... yes....say aloud, "WHO I AM IS ENOUGH"....  

Then let 2013 unfold as it needs to.... step up to bat when its your turn..... listen to your heart.... be true to yourself.... embrace the courage already within you.... hear a good word..... and accept YOU.... because you are beautifully and wonderfully made....

Cheers to you and your dating adventures.....may love continuously bloom in your life as a whole.

Much love & Aloha

~ hp

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