Sunday, March 3, 2013

The Independent Woman

Independent: (according to Webster's Dictionary) c (1) not requiring or relying on others (as for care or livelihood)....

Women's Suffrage, Women's Rights, Women's Liberation Movement....  I respect the plight and the fight.... I am grateful. I vote when I'm called to. I speak my mind, I stand for what I believe in. I appreciate why that's important.

I enjoy being independent, yet the attitude (generally) associated with that state of being for a woman, especially a woman in America, is, hardly feminine and hardly attractive.  In fact, it's offensive, even repulsive.  Why?  in our quest to "be equal" we dismissed that we're different, that we NEED each other, and our differences are valuable.  I may be as smart as my male counterpart, however, he is built stronger than I, which I have found rocks.  He wants to fix things, he feels good when he completes a task and did something good for a woman..... I like that.   She wants to nurture, cook a good meal, or make the house lovely, he needs that space.... together we create balance, partnership.... I vote interdependence over dependence.  So yes girl, get your degree, do your thing, be you fully and be with the man that supports you and admires you. Similarly, be with the man whom you can support and accept for who he is (not who you wish he was).  Create Balance.

Here are a few tips on how do be welcoming to our male counterparts, without losing ourselves:

1) Practice RECEIVING.  Start with small things, like receiving compliments with a smile & a thank you or receiving a man holding a door open for you (romantic interest or a stranger). 

2) Practice RELAXING & PAMPERING you.  Yes, breathing. Full, deep breaths; Bubble baths; yoga; some other activity you enjoy that fills your cup (hiking, horseback riding, getting your nails done, and the like)  Shifting from our masculine energy into our feminine energy becomes so much easier when we're light hearted and relaxed.

3) Practice APPRECIATION.  (Healthy) men are providers, givers, and more often than not generous.... pay attention to the things they do, then show appreciation.... even if its merely acknowledging the effort he put into doing something (example: washing your car, opening the door, giving up his seat, etc.)  Let him (romantic interest or a stranger) know you see what he's doing.  Men need love and appreciation too.  

Let me know what you think, leave a comment, a question, or share your experience, especially after you've practiced a few tips.  

Much love & aloha 


  1. Good read . I read and re read..I like the comment about healthy men.

    1. Thank you Beth.... yes, love & appreciation & all that jazz works with healthy men. Unhealthy men are another ball game.
